The Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ January 20, 2010

In the
Year of Our Lord

Jesus Christ
June 20th, 2010

Greetings in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ! To Him be Glory now and Forever,

He is, He was, and is to Come the Lord God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.

As the ancient scriptures are written and the Word of God shall never pass away, but the world and all that are within shall change and pass away. So by this cause comes revelation and warnings from those chosen by God to stand as Watchmen on the Wall in the camp to blow the trumpet as a warning of things to come.

For God and His Eternal Predestined plan “MUST” come to pass. As written by the Apostles of Jesus Christ the Son of God, things Jesus Christ said concerning the things that “MUST” come to pass on this earth as the End Times approach and the Coming of the Son of God in all His Glory, as the Seals are opened , The Trumpets blow and the Vials are poured upon this Earth; the Watchmen are still on the Wall!

Many are watchmen Inspired by the Holy Spirit, in Spirit and Truth and Elect of God, chosen by Him to warn those that have ears to hear, when the sound of the Trumpet blows. Many may never hear and go on their daily live with no regard as to the approaching storms. Many may “HEAR” but never prepare for the coming Storm, yet even others may hide their heads and continue to not believe those things that are about to come upon them.

Even this “DAY” God has not changed… His Balance is in “HIS HAND”, not in the hands of fleshly men and so called science. Yet they continue to warn, seek knowledge, and HIDE coming disasters. They lack the Inspiration from the Throne of God and His Glory. Power and Might!!

Let us bring to memory the inspired written Word of God, His thoughts are not our thought and are thoughts are not His thoughts. But everything is in His Time.

Man has BROKEN the Law of God, the “BALANCE of GOD”. When things are in balance there is No Strain or Weight and no confusion but peace within the Balance of God. For God’s balance is stronger than men, and it shall crush them to pieces; for they can not bare the weight thereof and shall fail.

There is approaching at this time, the entire WEST COAST of the North American Continent a dark cloud of destruction and continuing across to the Atlantic regions. Within days the Climate will change as never before seen. Prepare for this, even though you have not been warned. Money is not the answer for it is corrupt and shall buy you nothing to save the soul, but Repentance in the Heart toward God through Jesus Christ shall give you Eternal Life.

For our Life is not ours, but in God’s hands our Soul belongs to Him. For whether we Live or Die we are the Lords. So in so doing if we are the Lord’s and covered by His Grace through redemption through His Son Jesus Christ we shall pass from death to Live! So even though my body is burned, my breath of Life leaves this fleshly body I am assured Life everlasting through Jesus Christ the Lord by the Grace of God.

Now to God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ be Glory, Power and Dominion Forever, Amen

May the Peace, Love and Grace of God be with you all,

Your friend, brother, and companion of Jesus Christ the Lord,

Martin Thurman Sr.

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