The Coming Storm and Dearth in the land…


Glenn Beck:

October 20, 2015 the entire world could change.



Here is the vision I see and number of years to prepare…. #44 = 2009, 2009 to 2015 = 7, 2016 shall be the beginning of dearth in the land.
How can we know if this is true or will happen?….. By the Gift from the Son of God, the Gift of God’s Holy Spirit within the chosen believers of the Lamb that sits beside the Father of all creation. That which is in me declares by discernment these things which are coming upon this earth. For God has “NOT” appointed His children to the wrath which is to come. If we are born of God through Christ Jesus, we shall know the things of God. Let those who have an ear to hear, hear what the Spirit says to the Church! Joseph prepared for the seven year drought that was to come upon Egypt.…  those who have the gift of discernment stand on the wall and sound the trumpet to warn those within the camp! For those without the Son of God shall not understand or see the approaching storm. Behold “I COME QUICKLY, saith the Lord”

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